.. raw:: latex \newpage Tutorial 1 - Getting started ============================ Introduction ------------ PyMacLab's strength or orginal design goal has been that of providing users with a rich and flexible DSGE data structure (also called class in object-oriented programming speak) which allows them to do lots of interesting things with DSGE models. Don't forget that another stated goal of PyMacLab is to permit researchers to work with DSGE models who know how to and enjoy to use the programming language Python. This tutorial assumes that you already know how to use Python, if you are completely new to it I suggest you consult one of the many tutorials available on the internet to get started with the language. Don't forget that Python is free as in free as freedom, no proprietary software such as Matlab is tainting the freedom of the environment you will be working in when using PyMacLab. The easiest and best way to get started and explore all of the available features of PyMacLab, or for that matter any other Python library, is to work with `IPython `_, which is an abbreviation for Interactive Python. With this program, Python users who are scientifically inclined, can more or less emulate the behaviour of programs such as Matlab, Octave or Scilab. This means that sessions can be launched in which commands entered into a command prompt are executed immediately and resulting output is printed to screen. It also means that generated objects resulting from such computations carried out at the command prompt (such as matrices or DSGE models) begin to exist within the session's variable scope and become ready for further manipulation, i.e. they persist. Before being able to work with PyMacLab we have to launch an IPython session and import the library into it's scope: .. sourcecode:: ipython # Import the pymaclab module into its namespace In [1]: import pymaclab as pm # Get the version and author's name In [2]: pm.__version__ '0.90.1' # Get the library's author's name In [3]: pm.__author__ 'Eric M. Scheffel' Here we simply have imported the PyMacLab module and inspected some of its attributes, such as the current version numbering as well as them module's author's name. Let's look deeper into the recesses of the module though to better understand who it is organized .. sourcecode:: ipython # Import the pymaclab module into its namespace In [1]: import pymaclab as pm # Use the dir() command to view all available attributes and method calls, # this command returns a list In [2]: dir(pm) ['OPS', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 'dattrans', 'db_graph', 'dsge', 'explain', 'favar', 'filters', 'ldbs', 'linalg', 'lmods', 'lvars', 'macrolab', 'make_modfile', 'modedit', 'modfiles', 'modinfo', 'modsolve', 'newDB', 'newFAVAR', 'newMOD', 'newVAR', 'pyed', 'stats', 'sys', 'texedit', 'var'] As you can see the module contains a quite a few attributes, many of which are still experimental and perhaps best not called at this stage. The most mature and arguable most interesting method call is that called ``pm.newMOD``, which allows users to instantiate a DSGE model instance, which would be done like so: .. sourcecode:: ipython # Import the pymaclab module into its namespace, also import os module In [1]: import pymaclab as pm In [2]: import os # Define the relative path to your modfiles In [3]: modpath = "../pymaclab/modfiles/models/stable" # Instantiate a new DSGE model instance like so In [4]: rbc1 = pm.newMOD(os.path.join(modpath,"rbc1_res.txt")) # As an example, check the models computed steady stated In [5]: print rbc1.sstate {'betta': 0.99009900990099009, 'c_bar': 2.7560505909330626, 'k_bar': 38.160700489842398, 'y_bar': 3.7100681031791227} Alternatively, you can also test some of the DSGE model files which come supplied with PyMacLab's standard installation. For this to work all you have to do is to import a provided handler module, ``pymaclab.modfiles.models``, which contains all of the DSGE models' names and their correspoding full file paths. Notice however that the models themselves are further classified into three categories, ``models.stable``, ``models.testing`` and ``models.development`` which helps to distinguish between models which are in the process of being added and such which are known to work correctly: .. sourcecode:: ipython # Import the pymaclab module into its namespace, also import os module In [1]: import pymaclab as pm # Import the DSGE models' filepath handle In [2]: from pymaclab.modfiles import models #Check all of the available models in the stable branch In [3]: dir(models.stable) ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 'merz', 'prog', 'rbc1_cf', 'rbc1_ext', 'rbc1_num', 'rbc1_res', 'rbc1_sug', 'rbc2', 'sims'] #Check all of the available models in the development branch In [4]: dir(models.development) ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 'max1', 'max2', 'mbc1', 'model2', 'model3', 'nk_nocapital', 'nkm', 'nkm_nocapital'] #Check all of the available models in the testing branch In [5]: dir(models.testing) ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 'cee'] # The DSGE models objects in pymaclab.modfiles.models # are just references to full file paths, i.e. In [6]: models.stable.rbc1_res '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymaclab/modfiles/rbc1_res.txt' #Instantiate a new DSGE model instance like so In [7]: rbc1 = pm.newMOD(models.stable.rbc1_res) #As an example, check the models computed steady stated In [8]: print rbc1.sstate {'betta': 0.99009900990099009, 'c_bar': 2.7560505909330626, 'k_bar': 38.160700489842398, 'y_bar': 3.7100681031791227} Now we have already seen some of the power and simplicity we can leverage by using PyMacLab. Before learning some of its additional power, we do however still need to take a quick detour to study the model file ``rbc1.txt`` which we had to pass as an argument to the ``pm.newMOD`` method call, as its structure is determined by a set of conventions which are important to adhere to in order to enable PyMacLab to parse and employ the information contained therein correctly and efficiently. The PyMacLab DSGE model file ---------------------------- In order to be able to load or instantiate your first DSGE model and work with it, you have to make sure to first fill in a so-called PyMacLab DSGE model file. The idea behing this is the same as the Dynare model file which typically ends in .mod. PyMacLab already comes provided with a number of such files pre-compiled for you to experiment with. For instance the most basic real business cycle model is described in the model file ``rbc1.txt`` which looks as follows :: %Model Description+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is just a standard RBC model, as you can see. %Model Information+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Name = Standard RBC Model; %Parameters++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rho = 0.36; delta = 0.025; R_bar = 1.01; eta = 2.0; psi = 0.95; z_bar = 1.0; sigma_eps = 0.052; %Variable Vectors+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [1] k(t):capital{endo}[log,bk] [2] c(t):consumption{con}[log,bk] [4] y(t):output{con}[log,bk] [5] z(t):eps(t):productivity{exo}[log,bk] [6] @inv(t):investment[log,bk] [7] @R(t):rrate %Boundary Conditions++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ None %Variable Substitution Non-Linear System++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [1] @inv(t) = k(t)-(1-delta)*k(t-1); [2] @inv_bar = SS{@inv(t)}; [2] @F(t) = z(t)*k(t-1)**rho; [2] @Fk(t) = DIFF{@F(t),k(t-1)}; [2] @Fk_bar = SS{@Fk(t)}; [2] @F_bar = SS{@F(t)}; [3] @R(t) = 1+DIFF{@F(t),k(t-1)}-delta; [4] @R_bar = SS{@R(t)}; [3] @R(t+1) = FF_1{@R(t)}; [4] @U(t) = c(t)**(1-eta)/(1-eta); [5] @MU(t) = DIFF{@U(t),c(t)}; [5] @MU_bar = SS{@U(t)}; [6] @MU(t+1) = FF_1{@MU(t)}; %Non-Linear First-Order Conditions++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Insert here the non-linear FOCs in format g(x)=0 [1] @F(t)-@inv(t)-c(t) = 0; [2] betta*(@MU(t+1)/@MU(t))*@R(t+1)-1 = 0; [3] @F(t)-y(t) = 0; [4] LOG(E(t)|z(t+1))-psi*LOG(z(t)) = 0; %Steady States [Closed Form]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [1] y_bar = @F_bar; %Steady State Non-Linear System [Manual]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [1] @F_bar-@inv_bar-c_bar = 0; [2] betta*@R_bar-1 = 0; [3] betta*R_bar-1 = 0; [1] c_bar = 1.0; [2] k_bar = 1.0; [3] betta = 0.9; %Log-Linearized Model Equations++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ None %Variance-Covariance Matrix++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sigma = [sigma_eps**2]; %End Of Model File+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So what does this file mean, and in particular, what is the meaning and purpose of the individual sections? These and related questions are addressed in the sections to follow below. They mostly discuss the syntax conventions model builders have to adhere to in order to use PyMacLab correctly. A Description of the model file's individual sections ----------------------------------------------------- *Model Description Section* In the model description section of the model file you can use plain text in order to described more verbosely the type of the model summarized in the file, perhaps added with references to important academic journal articles in which the model first appeared. *Information Section* This section allows you to add more succinct model properties, including a shorter denominator given by `Name=` qualifier. These shorter attributes will then be attached to the model instance where they help to uniquely identify the model. In contrast to the information contained in the previous section these qualifiers should be short. *Parameters Section* As the name suggests, this section provides space for writing down the model's deep and presumably invariable parameters which are important as they appear in functionals such as the household's utility or the firm's production function. Don't forget to close each declaration with a semi-colon, as this is one of the text parser's conventions. *Variable Vectors Section* This section is very important as it contains a summary of all of the (time-subscripted) variables of the model. The general format of this section for each variable is: :: [1] x(t):var_name{endo|con|exo}[log,hp|bk|cf] The first element is a descriptor of how the time-subscripted variable will appear in the system of nonlinear equations. The second descriptor is a more revealing but still short name, such as `capital` or `consumption`. It is preferable to write longer variable names with an underscore, such as for example `physical_capital` or `human_capital`. Thirdly, the descriptor in curly brackets allows you to specifically mark of each variable as either, control variable, endogenous state or exogenous state variable, using optimal control theory language. These are inserted in abbreviated style using either `con`, `endo` or `exo`. Finally, the last option given enclosed in squared brackets allows for two additional options to be specified. Supplying the keyword `log` means that the approximation of the model showed be formed about the log of the variable, while the last option allows to supply a filtering option which is applied to the computation of results based on simulations of the solved model. Currently available choices are either `hp` for the HP-Filter, `bk` for the Baxter-King-Filter or `cf` for the Christiano-Fitzgerald filter. *Boundary Conditions Section* This section is currently not in use but has been included for future compatibility with solution methods which are not based on the perturbation paradigm. *Variable Substitution Non-Linear System* This is perhaps one of the most useful and convenient sections of the model file. In the section right after this one users are asked to insert the DSGE model's firs-order conditions of optimality which can often be quite tedious and long algebraically. One way of giving users a more convenient and intuitive way of writing down the model's FOCs is to work with a subsitution system which can be declared in this section. So for example if one wanted to write down the expression for output or the Euler equation for physical capital, one could resort to the following useful replacement definitions: :: [1] @inv(t) = k(t)-(1-delta)*k(t-1); [2] @F(t) = z(t)*k(t-1)**rho; [3] @F_bar = SS{@F(t)}; [4] @R(t) = 1+DIFF{@F(t),k(t-1)}-delta; [5] @R(t+1) = FF_1{@R(t)}; [6] @U(t) = c(t)**(1-eta)/(1-eta); [7] @MU(t) = DIFF{@U(t),c(t)}; [8] @MU(t+1) = FF_1{@MU(t)}; These can then be used in the following section instead of having to work with the full expressions instead. Additionally, convience operators are accessible, given by: :: DIFF{EXPRESSION,x(t)} # replaced by first derivate if expression w.r.t. x(t) SS{EXPRESSION} # expression is converted to its steady state equivalent FF_X{EXPRESSION} # replaced with expression forwarded in time by X periods. # Timing of the information set for expectations is unchanged! BB_X{EXPRESSION} # replaced with expression lagged in time by X periods. # Timing if the information set for expectations is unchanged! When declaring replacement items in this section make sure to adhere to the syntax of always naming them beginning with a @. Also, within this section substitutions within substitutions are permitted. Replacement items for steady-state calculations in the subsequent sections can also be supplied here, but have to be of the form such as: :: [1] @F_bar = z_bar*k_bar**rho; In PyMacLab steady state expressions of variables strictly have to adhere to the `x_bar` naming convention, i.e. be expressed by the stem variable name abbreviation followed by and underscore and the word `bar`. Finally, the DIFF{EXPRESSION,x(t)} is smart enough to differentiate across different time periods. So as an example with habit persistence in consumption our utility function depends on current and past consumption: :: [1] @DISCOUNT = betta; [2] @U(t) = LOG(c(t)-B*c(t-1)); [3] @Uc(t) = DIFF{@U(t),c(t)}; Here the differentiation operator is smart enough to forward the expression by one period before taking the derivative w.r.t to c(t). In fact, internally the above will be replaced with: :: [1] @DISCOUNT = betta; [2] @U(t) = LOG(c(t)-B*c(t-1)); [3] @Uc(t) = DIFF{LOG(c(t)-B*c(t-1))+betta*LOG(E(t)|c(t+1)-B*c(t)),c(t)}; This feature only works if the special reserved keyword @DISCOUNT is defined at the top of the list. This tells PyMacLab which discount rate to apply to future (or past) expressions. *Non-Linear First-Order Conditions Section* In this section users can supply the model's first order conditions of optimality which are passed to PyMacLab for differentiation and evaluation. So to use the example from the RBC1 example file given above, filling in this section would look as follows: :: [1] @F(t)-@inv(t)-c(t) = 0; [2] betta*(@MU(t+1)/@MU(t))*@R(t+1)-1 = 0; [3] @F(t)-y(t) = 0; [4] LOG(E(t)|z(t+1))-psi*LOG(z(t)) = 0; where we have made ample use of the convenient substitution definitions declared in the previous section. Expressions, such as the law of motion for the productivity shock, can be supplied in logs for the sake of readability, but otherwise could also alternatively be written as: :: [4] E(t)|z(t+1)/(z(t)**psi) = 0; .. deprecated:: 0.85 In previous versions of PyMacLab it was possible to write down the law of motion of exogenous states without expectations, i.e. `z(t)/(z(t-1)**psi) = 0;`. This behaviour is now deprecated and no longer supported. *Steady States [Closed Form] Section* For relatively simple models, closed form solutions for the steady state may exist and can be entered here as follows: :: betta = 1.0/R_bar; k_bar = ((rho*z_bar)/(R_bar - 1 + delta))**(1.0/(1 - rho)); y_bar = (z_bar*k_bar)**rho; c_bar = y_bar - delta*k_bar; Note that not only steady-state variables like `x_bar` can be supplied here, but indeed any variable who's steady-state value has to be determined endogenously withing the model. Sometimes, depending on the model builder's assumptions taken, this could also involve the' determination of a parameter such as `betta`. Sometimes the model's full steady-state can best be determined as a combination of closed form expressions AND the additional numerical solution of a system on nonlinear equations, as is the case in the model file provided above. Notice that here one set of steady state variables are calculated in closed from, given the knowledge of a set of other steady state variables, while these in turn are first solved for in the section using the nonlinear root-finding algorithm. *Steady State Non-Linear System [Manual] Section* In this section a partial list of or the entire model's variables' steady states can be determined numerically here using good starting values and a Newton-like root-finder algorithm. So this section would something like this: :: [1] z_bar*k_bar**(rho)-delta*k_bar-c_bar = 0; [2] rho*z_bar*k_bar**(rho-1)+(1-delta)-R_bar = 0; [3] (betta*R_bar)-1 = 0; [4] z_bar*k_bar**(rho)-y_bar = 0; [1] c_bar = 1.0; [2] k_bar = 1.0; [3] y_bar = 1.0; [4] betta = 1.0; Very often, this section is simply a restatement of the first order conditions of optimality but with time subscripts removed and instead replaced with the steady state `x_bar` notation. This section and the previous can often be the most difficult ones to specify well, as many more complex DSGE models' steady states are not easy to determine and often require some good judegement, experience and good starting values for the root-finding algorithm. *Log-Linearized Model Equations Section* In this section you could theoretically also supply the first-order log-linearized equations manually, such as was necessary in Harald Uhlig's toolbox. But this feature is perhaps best relegated to compatibility tests and proof-of-concept experiments to show that PyMacLab's computed solutions based on automatic differentiation are identical with the ones computed from this section. An example would be: :: # foc consumption [1] (1/C_bar)**Theta*X_bar**(Psi*(1-Theta))*x(t)... -(1/C_bar)**Theta*X_bar**(Psi*(1-Theta))*c(t)=... LAM_bar*lam(t)+A_bar*MU_bar*mu(t); # foc leisure [2] (1-Theta)*c(t)+(Psi*(1-Theta)-1)*x(t)=lam(t)+... z(t)+(1-alpha)*k(t-1)-(1-alpha)*l(t); In this case all variables already have to be interpreted as percentage deviations from steady state. Both in this and in the nonlinear FOCs section, model equations DO NOT necessarily have to be expressed as `g(x)=0`, but can also be written as `f(x)=g(x)`. In this case the PyMacLab parser simply internally generates `f(x)-g(x) = 0` and works with this expression instead. *Variance-Covariance Matrix Section* The standard way of supplying information on the variance-convariance structure of the iid shocks hitting the laws of motions of the exogenous state variables. So this section would look something like this: :: Sigma = [sigma_eps**2]; or for more elaborate models like this: :: Sigma = [sigma_eps**2 0; 0 sigma_xi**2]; *All sections* If in any of the lines of one of the sections the keyword `None` is inserted, even in a section which has otherwise been declared in the correct way as described above, then the entire section will be ignored and treated as empty, such as for instance: :: %Log-Linearized Model Equations++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ None If alebraic expression become to long, one can also employ a line-breaking syntax using the elipsis, such as: :: [1] (1-Theta)*c(t)+(Psi*(1-Theta)-1)*x(t)=lam(t)+... z(t)+(1-alpha)*k(t-1)-(1-alpha)*l(t); Finally, as is customary from other programming languages, comments can also be inserted into DSGE model files. However, in contrast to other languages conventions, such as Python itself, at the moment the library will only parse model files correctly if the comments are on a line of their own, and not intermingled with model description items. As usual comments are identified by beginning a new line with the hash symbol #. Finally, in all sections where it may be applicable, the operators `LOG(x)` and `EXP(x)` can be employed, where the former takes the natural logarithm of expression x while the latter raises e to the power x. An example of this would be: :: [1] @U(t) = LOG(c(t));