Tutorial Appendix - A description of all DSGE model templates ============================================================= *Introduction* This section is all about the DSGE model template files which come supplied with the standard installation of the PyMacLab library. In particular, each DSGE model template file will be discussed in detail with full algebraic derivations and bibliographic references to corresponding papers wherever appropriate. *The DSGE models* :doc:`RBC without labour <../dsge_models/rbc_capital_nolabour>` This section discusses in detail the standard canonical RBC model without a labour-leisure choice. :doc:`RBC with labour <../dsge_models/rbc_capital_labour>` This section discusses in detail a simple RBC model possessing both physical capital and a labour-leisure choice. :doc:`MBC with labour <../dsge_models/mbc_capital_labour>` This section discussed the details of a cash-in-advance model featuring both physical capital and a labour-leisure choice.